Personal Information Process Policies

Personal Information Process Policies

Daewoong Foundation places great importance on your personal information protection and complies with the Personal Information Protection Regulations and the Personal Information Protection Guidelines established by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security. Daewoong Foundation will inform you of the purpose and method of using the personal information you provide through the personal information processing policy and what measures are being taken to protect your personal information. ※ This policy will come into effect starting October 21, 2020.

List of Personal Information to be Collected and Method of Collection

Daewoong Foundation's recruitment site collects personal information to the minimum extent necessary for using the site (excluding personal information collected during application). Personal information for application includes: Name, mobile phone number, date of birth, education background and institution, education major, SNS account, etc.

By clicking the consent button for each of the section, you have agreed to the terms and conditions of this website and the contents of personal information collection/use as stated.

Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information

In order to provide notifications regarding each stage of recruitment progress and to establish a database for talents.

Provision of Personal Information to Third Party

Daewoong Foundation's recruitment website uses your personal information within the scope notified by the Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information, and will utilize them beyond the said scope or provide it to others, other companies, or institutions.

Retention and Usage Period of Personal Information

Daewoong Foundation's collected personal information shall be deleted immediately in a way that cannot be reproduced after the purpose of collection and use is completed, and if personal information is provided to a third party, it shall also be deleted immediately.

Deletion Method of Personal Information

The company is to delete all collected personal information without delay after the purpose of collecting and using personal information has been completed. Revocation procedures and methods are as follows.

Users’ Rights and How to Exercise Them

You may request deletion of your registered personal information at any time. In this case, please contact the person in charge of personal information protection by writing, by phone or e-mail, and we will take action immediately after receiving your message.

Matters concerning the installation, operation, and refusal of automated personal information collection devices

Daewoong Foundation's recruitment website operates 'cookies' that periodically save and find your information. Any personal information collected through cookies is limited to ID and page view status; no other information shall be collected.
You are allowed to enable your disable cookies by selecting [Tools] > [Internet Options] > [Security] > [Custom Level] in your web browser (based on IE), or whenever a cookie is saved. You may either confirm or refuse to save all cookies.

Protection measures for securing personal information stability (technical measures for personal information protection)

The Daewoong Foundation Recruitment website is taking the following technical measures to ensure safety so that personal information is not lost, stolen, leaked, falsified or damaged while processing your personal information.

  1. Your personal information is protected by a password, and important data is protected through a separate security function by encrypting files and transmission data or using a file lock function
  2. Daewoong Foundation's recruitment website takes measures to prevent damage caused by computer viruses by using a vaccine program which is updated periodically.
  3. The Daewoong Foundation recruitment website adopts a security device (SSL or SET) that can safely transmit personal information on the network using an encryption algorithm.
  4. In order to prevent leakage of your personal information by hacking, etc., a device that blocks external intrusion is activated along with intrusion detection system which is installed on each server to monitor 24 hours a day.

Personal information manager or department in charge of personal information

In order to protect your personal information and handle complaints related to personal information, the Daewoong Foundation Recruitment Site has a personal information manager to manage your personal information, to whom you may raise opinions and complaints related to personal information protection. If you discover anything that may infringe the rights and interests of information collection such as inquiries and opinions related to your personal information, and the possibility of leakage of personal information while using the website, please contact the person in charge of personal information management below and take action immediately. We will notify you of the results.

※ Personal information protection manager/person in charge

Obligatory Notice

If there is an addition, deletion, or modification of contents due to changes in laws/policies or security technology, we will notify the reason for the change and contents through the website at least 10 days before the enforcement of the changed privacy policy.